Head cold wisdom

Apologies for skipping my newsletter last week. I was rather sick as I depict in my diary comic:

There’s nothing like sickness to make me really appreciate my generally good health. And it helps remind me how much I do love my work—something I can lose sight of when I’m so focused on the goal of finishing my graphic novel, which is due at the end of April.

I’m emerging from this nasty cold more determined to enjoy the time I have left—trying to focus more on the process and less on the deadline. Even though I always enjoy myself when I spend time in the present moment, it’s so easy for me to slip out of the present and go into thinking about the future.

Behind the scenes

Since I watercolor my graphic novels, my house is currently taken over by watercolor art which can be found drying in our dining room and living room. Even our bathroom seems to be constantly filled with drying paint brushes and water containers. 

These are photos my friend and fellow author Nicole Kronzer took while visiting a few weeks ago. Apparently paint brushes in the bathroom aren’t a normal thing?

Leif love

I think my vizsla Leif has been a bit sick too. It’s nice that he’s been keeping me company and his energy has been a little lower.