Is it always this hard to finish a book?

My graphic novel is due in 2.5 weeks and it hasn’t been easy as evidenced from a recent diary comic:

There have been external factors that have made it hard—I’ve had several nasty colds which have prevented me from working out and seeing friends. And my trusty Epson printer died which led to some panic as we tried to figure out how to replace it since it’s an essential part of my graphic novel-making process.

I think I need to approach finishing this graphic novel with some level of acceptance: sometimes making graphic novels is just pretty darn hard. But there are lots of hard things in my life that are worth it in the end. I often subscribe to this myth that things will get easier and in my experience things don’t necessarily get easier, just the struggles changes. But when I reach “The End,” it’s so rewarding, making it all worth it.

I’d love to hear from you: How do you push to the finish line (in work or elsewhere)? What do you tell yourself or do to get there?

Behind the scenes

Here I am with my stack of completed art on the left, and pages ready to be watercolored on the right. I’m so close to being done—30 pages to go!

Leif Love

Here our vizsla Leif is blending into the playground. He’s been loving the warmer Spring weather and increase in squirrel and rabbit activity.

Leif, the one-eyed vizsla dog on a playground