The Distant Mountain

I’m in the midst of a professional transition and I’ve been thinking a lot about how I spend my time—and I’m becoming much more protective of it. I’m more aware of the little things that eat away at my time like scrolling social media or inefficiencies with how I go about my work. Or the bigger things like projects that don’t lead me closer to my goals, even if they could do serve me in other ways.

When thinking about choosing which projects to focus on, I find this Neil Gaiman quote particularly valuable:

How I use this quote is I ask myself, “Does this opportunity get me closer to my goal, lead me further away, or keep me plodding along, but not really progressing?” I’m susceptible to plodding away at things, so this is something I have to be particularly careful of.

I’m also trying to listen to my body and breath more in terms of decision making. When I think of an opportunity, does it make me feel diminished, or restrict my breath? Or do I feel expansive and exhilarated by it?

It’s still a work in progress, but these methods help me choose which direction will help me thrive and reach my goals.

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Diary Comic: How We Got a New Washer and Dryer

I feel a bit self-conscious sharing this frivolous and overly dramatic diary comic, but as this is a major shopping weekend, it seems somewhat appropriate:

And these rust stains on our our new sheets are what finally pushed us over the edge to get a new washer and dryer which really was overdue and much needed. And I just try to ignore the stains on the sheets.

Book Recommendation

I thoroughly enjoyed Aster and the Accidental Magic, a fun adventure graphic novel by Thom Pico and Karensac. The blurb is pretty accurate when it describes the book as, “A fun, action-packed fantasy adventure about a girl, her dog, and magic gone wrong!” It’s marketed for ages 8-12, although I’d say it’s on the younger end of that age range if you’re looking for a holiday gift.